It's relieving to see the Alexandrians putting up a fight, hand-to-hand, against the zombie menace. But if all this is triggered by Rick's sudden madness, it begs the ultimate question: why the hell didn't he do it since the infestation begin?!

Rick just needs a few experienced fighters (Glenn, Michonne, Abraham, etc maybe Aaron too). Back in Season 6 episode 5, they should have stood in front of the gate and cut the walkers to bits one by one like they just did in this episode. It should have not cost anybody's life--not to mention the life of a woman dearest to Rick! No need to gather the zombies far away and causing unintended consequences. Maybe all this is a ruse by Rick, to teach the Alexandrians a will to fight. A will to power. But it doesn't make much sense considering the cost and risk he ultimately pays. Especially since Rick is ultra-protective and should be calculative enough to realize that.

Putting that aside, with the Wolves leader dead, and Jesse's two annoying kids also dead too, I think the show kinda putting off the tense too early and too easily. The annoying little kid poses a classic, albeit cliched, zombie movie annoyance (scared little kids who ruin everything) and his older brother (Ron) could've been some sort of a rival to Carl (or a potential enemy, I mean he already bears deep hatred to Carl and Rick). Ron could've helped Carl's interesting character development. Perhaps Ron can be a Shane to Carl, leaving the audience the feeling of, "this guy is gonna give trouble but we're not sure how and when." The same goes with the Wolves leader. The show spent quite a time to built their characters for the audience to expect more. They could've made an useful, interesting tension like we had with Shane.

But they're all dead now, so it's kinda a waste, I guess.

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Reply by wags721

It might have been interesting if Ron somehow had gotten free and joined Negan's group. But I think they're going to have plenty of conflict coming up with them, so I think this tidies things up a little by getting rid of the problems before moving on to the next. It gives them a chance to regroup before Negan takes them on with full force.

I also don't think Rick planned anything. He's not much of a thinker. He just snaps and off he goes to kill 5,000 walkers. He did the same thing in the prison after Laurie died.

Reply by Deleted

The maion reason they killed those 3 peeps cause they don't have a value anymore.
ron and sam were already two annoying actors who can't act for shit and don't add an extra value to them.
With negan coming up they need room agian for actors who come on the screen. So with those 3 down. More paychecks for the extra's of negas crew.
