Shout by echelon_four

Limitless 2015

This show basically only takes the base concept from the movie (drug makes you smart). All the themes from the movie (dangers of addiction, intelligence vs knowing things, ect) are basically gone to make way for what the show is.
This show is "What if J.D. from Scrubs was in a police procedural and was also The Mentalist half the time". Any worries about getting more of the drug is gone, they never really show the withdrawal he must go through each day, there are no long term damages from taking the drug. The show is really just another goofy genius fights crime show. Which is fine? It is still pretty good.

Not the movie, still fun-ish.

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Imma keep going. Despite the infinite abundance of the premise, I do find the main character charming.

Reply by Deleted

I agree with you. They basically wanted to be a procedural without ignoring completely the background story. The pilot did an overview that was too quick. This is a fairly common thing. The Flash for instance had a great potential to deal with great problems that the main hero would face but they chose to be a dumb superhero series.
However, I still give the show some credit. The characters are compelling and the story is passible. But what I really see, despite the wasted potential to follow the lines of the movie(mainly the main character studying everything to learn about the shot that keep him from the withdraw symptoms. Ok, he try twice to research about Morra but that was it. Instead he's just a FBI hound) is the back story about Morra. They can reveal so much information about that and make a great arc.

Reply by crazy08

That's why he got the shot. Right in the opening he's told since he had the shot he can take as much as he wants without any side effects. Morra only has a hold on him because he'll periodically need another shot.

@echelon_four You are right. I loved the movie and then started waiting with all hopes when they announched the series. The serie is nothing like the movie except they share the drug NZT and the big boss. I like the series a bit but it doesnt measure as a big blockbuster. I dislike that it is discontinued without a decent ending but can live with it.
