Shout by sp1ti

Remember that edgy thing called "Elfen Lied"? Yup, this is by the same author and while I'm fuzzy on the details on that it certainly is similar in the way of inflicting violence to teenage girls. It is also probably the only 1-cour show that changed openings on the second last episode and then even to a terrible crunkcore-thingy (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C__joUsxAPw).
Despite rating it just a "4" I want to stress that I got plenty of enjoyment out of it... just for all the wrong reasons - or maybe not! Going by the anime alone one has to either believe this is a work by hacks (which it kinda is) or well versed people intentionally taking the piss out of genre conventions.
Anyways, you should not watch this show if you expect any kind of logic or common sense. The story is ridiculous and badly paced. It also follows the same pattern up until the end where they just throw in an ending because they can. What made the show for me was it's schizophrenic tone, switching between comedy bits set to goofy music with some romance to heavily censored action - with a straight face. Really, it's amazing how much bullshit they managed to stuff in there. If you want to watch something so bad that it's good give it a go.

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Reply by ManiacB

Glad I didn't bother. Elfen Lied was overrated dross and it's good to see the author hasn't moved on after all this time. Lol at the "edgy" OP. Is it just me or was it screaming "I want to be the next Future Diary!", which isn't a good thing to aspire to, btw.


OPReply by sp1ti

@ManiacB You are still missing out on some hilarious stuff though :)! http://webmup.com/MEu6C/ (she looses parts of her memory whenever she uses her powers) or http://webmup.com/aQHGS/ for example. There was dumb stuff like that in almost every episode.

Reply by ManiacB

@sp1ti Oh wow, looks like I'm missing out on a masterpiece :P
