It feels like it's been a long time since Walking Dead has a thoughtful, story-driven episode.

First of all I like how we are shown a glimpse of living a woman's life in a post-apocalyptic world here. Issues like motherhood, pregnancy, are handled very well through the talks of the all women characters in the episode. Second thing, is how the show gives an alternative perspective on the post-apocalyptic world seen through another survivor's eye. It's not just Rick and co here who are trying to survive--there's another group, as much as capable as Rick, with their own set of survival skills. As uttered by Michelle, from their PoV (whose group has just been robbed and murdered), Rick's group "are not the good guys."

Third, it actually makes all the pragmatic, ruthless murders we've all been seeing all this time from one episode to another, is not just about "another" murder. Killing people is actually a deed with terrible moral consequence, even when it's done for the means of survival. Interestingly, this theme is explored through the eyes of Carol--who has been known as pragmatic and ruthless.

Very well done episode.

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