Review by Pradipa PR

The Walking Dead: Season 6

6x15 East

The episode continues with the clumsiness of last week's episode. Now not only we get to see Carol's teenager mood-swing, we get to see Daryl's too. The usually calculating hunter now risk himself and his comrade's life a few days after Denise got murdered. Daryl wanting to finish Dwight once and for all, that is understandable. After all it's not only once Daryl seems to be reckless and going in his way. But him needing to wait a few days after Denise's demise just to fit in with Carol's disappearance seems kinda forced. Not to mention everyone seems to become so reckless by wanting to be involved in the search party. I mean they have a home to protect. Why every bits of them seems so motivated to get out of their home?

That said, this episode leaves us with an interesting cliff-hanger. We all know, especially comic book readers, that someone is going to die in the next episode. But who? Carol, Daryl, and Glenn are all out of there. There is also Michonne. The episode spent quite a time to give Maggie and Rick more screen time (which usually means someone close to them is going to die in the next eps), so it's kind of difficult to predict which of them is going to leave the show.

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Reply by Deleted

Carols teenagers mood swing? what the fuck are you talking about?

Reply by Deleted

Yeah and? What does that have to do with it? like posting a link to a comment is going to change the fact that teenager mood swing doesn't fit here.

@WalterBishopj that should've explained it, if you actually read it. The ups and downs of Carol's emotional turbulence is not shown properly. TWD opted to tell, instead of showing what Carol felt which led her to this decision.
