8.2/10. First off, the opening teaser with the BatRoast (complete with a Jeffrey Ross cameo) was an utter delight. The corny jokes were perfect for the silver age setting, and adding Ross's schtick to the soup worked surprisingly well on what is nominally a kids' show. I love how the series can kick back and have fun in these little shorts.

The main story succeeded at showing the old Justice League and the B-team Justice League clashing in comedic ways. Aquaman, as always, was great in his attempts to be the life of the party (and I guffawed like a mad man with his "Please stop. This is awkward" line), but Martian Manhunter was stealthily hilarious with his Dwight Schrute routine. At the same time, the JSA and JLI ribbing each other, until the whole thing devolves into a pie-fight took some time to get going, but eventually turned into a hoot.

And Batman fighting R'as, with the final battle showing that whatever the JSA and JLI's differences, they have respect for each other in how they stand up to the bad guys, was a nice culmination of the story. It's neat to see the new heroes and the old heroes fighting side-by-side, and earning a mutual respect. Overall, a quality, very funny episode.

(As an aside, the opening bit was so fun, and there was enough Aquaman in the main story, that I showed this one again with Mrs. Bloom the next day, and she not only had a lot of good laughs, but totally called Aquaman using his powers to command "Squidface.")

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