I'll be honest. This one probably doesn't deserve the 10/10 rating (and let's call it a 9.5/10, just to be on the safe side), but god this one is so much fun. It's a classic bit of HIMYM schtick, from Ted's dive-in-head-first relationship mentality, to the prank-turned-reverse prank, to hilarious asides like Barney claiming that Jesus invented the 3-day rule. There's nothing especially deep to it. Ted's revelation that whoever his future wife is, she'll be too much on his wavelength to care about rules like that makes a slight attempt at it, but what really drives the episode is the comic farce of the schemes going on.

NPH and Jason Segel in particular deserve a medal for this episode. The way they absolutely sold Ted's imagine spots about what Holly was doing while they were texting was classic; their arguments over who Ted was dreaming about was hilarious in their simultaneous uncomfortableness and flattery, and Marshall's "why do we keep trying to have sex with Ted" realizations were classic. I have to admit, there were points where I wondered if S4 was a bit of a dropoff from S3, and while some seams are showing in certain episodes, this is a great example of how the comedy is still on point.

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