Shout by RoxieVelma

Wow, they actually killed Laurel, The Black Canary, but before she died she gave her blessing to "Olicity"?!!?!?!?!?! First Sara (but at least she came back only to go to another show), then Laurel, so I guess this means they'll kill of Lance next since he really has no purpose anymore. Oh wait, he's precious Felicity's mommy's stud muffin, so I'll guess he'll stick around and have tons to do! OMG, they can go shopping and buy Felicity and Oliver things for their apartment and clothes for their baby! When will this soap opera end and the real "Arrow" return?

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4 replies

Wait; Felicity is pregnant ? Yeah the show is turning into Lois and Clark. Over being a gritty superhero show.

Haha, no not that I know of, but considering how much of soap opera this show has become I expect a baby in Season 5. That baby will later be kidnapped from the hospital and held hostage by Felicity's dad. Lance will help Oliver try to save said child only to be killed in the process. ;)

Reply by Deleted

I wouldn't hold my breath, I don't think this show is ever going to be good again, never watching another episode of this romantic comedy. They should rename it The Olicity Diaries or The Adventures of Oliver & Felicity.


Reply by Narendran

This show's getting on my nerves. If it goes on like this i'm surely dropping it. LAUREL ACTUALLY SHIPPED OLIVER AND FELICITY AS HER DYING WORDS. How this episode was rated 79% is beyond me. Also the way she died, didn't have the same emotional impact like with Tommy or Moira. I miss that Arrow :'(
