Review by Matthias Radakovits

11.22.63: Season 1

1x08 The Day in Question

This was probably the kind of ending I least expected, due to it being just so obvious and somewhat uncreative.
I haven't read the book, therefore I can't say a think about the storyline or the ending, for that matter.
But there were so many chances where one could've built in a couple of awesome plot twists that would've made the entire thing not only a whole lot more enjoyable, but much more fitting to the whole complex thing that the concept of time travel is.
For example: Since they set the focus so heavily on the fact that time doesn't want itself to be changed, they could've easily changed the storyline in a way that doesn't really change the past in such a hard way.
What if Lee Harvey Oswald wasn't the one responsible for the assassination of JFK, but Mr. Amberson himself? What if Lee Harvey Oswald was nothing more than a patsy and the FBI or whoever else was actually the one responsible for the shooting? What if, that, after changing the past in a rather impactful way, there was no way of going back through the rabbit hole, since said change dismissed the fact that the rabbit hole existed in the first place?
These are just a couple of 'what ifs' that I've asked myself at the beginning and throughout the series, 'what ifs', that I figured the writers and producers of this show also must've asked themselves when being presented with a plot that's so diverse and changeable in such numerous ways.
And, sadly, these 'what ifs' are nothing more than, well, 'what ifs', since it seems like this huge amount of possibilities was just too huge an amount for the people creating this show to actually explore them, at all.
So the actual ending itself appeared to me as nothing more than way too straight-forward, obvious and rather uncreative, running adrift to being a slightly cheesy love story ending.

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I couldn't agree more, so many possibilities for the series to continue except perhaps that they new maybe that James Franco wasn't prepared to continue in the role. I also haven't read the book but I do have it in audio form, so I will check out the ending there, but the ending for me didn't completely spoil what I thought was a great series. And is that how we should remember it, unlike so many others that where left to hang without conclusions at all to their plotlines. I prefer some kind of ending, than none at all.
