Shout by Matias

im not seeing anyone making death threats to writers or crying and downvoting because Sinclair died, but its ok, he wasnt gay so he is unimportant and it doesent matter if he dies

i love Miller and i loved Lexa, but Lexa died to move the plot foward not because the writers thought "oh lets kill Lexa because she is gay haha so funny"

how many main characters have died? more than 10 for sure, so why we only focus on the gay one? gay characters are unkillable? for me they are the same as any character i dont make distinctions and neither the writers

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Nothing to rage on about killing "cis men", isn't that the wet dream of every femnazi?

hahaha is very funny indeed killing a strong lesbian character who represents a minority who doesnt have representation at all in tv these days. they develop a very important character to kill her in a shitty/clumsy way. but you do know that, right? bc you are a male so you do understand the struggle of being a queer woman right? oh and let me finish talking about linconl's death another minority character, a strong black male who died in the dirty, literaly.
they are killing minorities, not just in the 100, hollywood is doing it for a long time and we are raging for it to change, if you are not pleasent by it get your mouth shut and let us raise our voices and fight for what we believe and deserve for: RESPECT.

oh and i wish "the gays" were unkillable, really. only that way that would not be so many lives taken by homophobics smh
