Shout by Andrew Bloom

Moral Orel: Season 2

2x03 Satan

6.5/10. Hard to resolve this one. On the one hand, there was some genuine feeling for Coach Stopframe here, trying to resolve his homosexuality in a town that is cartoonishly against it, and "spinning the wheel" so to speak when it comes to Christianity vs. Satan. His loneliness, accentuated by the Io Perry song, was once again an affecting bit of emotional truth from a show that has thus far tended more toward the silly. But then the trip to the Satanists' meeting filled with easy jokes about fat nerds giving into culinary and sexual hedonism while offering South Park-like repeated phrase cliches was weak broth by comparison. There was some meat to the episode and Coach Stopframe's temptation and repression and sadness, but a lot of it got lost in the goofy and frankly kind of lame sequence with the Satanists.

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