Review by ketu

Finally I 've watched the movie with some friends yesterday.

And I gotta say: It was really good. But there is happening so much. You don't even get time to breath sometimes. One incident after the next one. Bam, bam bam! And that about two hours long.

Thats not that bad if you are into an action movie. But for me, Star Trek was always more than Science Fiction with action scenes in it. And thats why the movie is only getting 8/10 points.
If I want to watch a movie with no bigger story in it, which is Science Fiction & Action based - I gonna watch Iron Man or something like that.

Nothing big is happening in the story line - that is what I missed most... maybe because of the many action scenes^^. But Star Trek Fans will like that Kahn is showing up and Tribbles too - and one scene with a windows between Spock & Kirk. But that felt more like the writers/director want do give the Star Trek fans something to like to movie more..... Hmmmmmm.. ladidadida... hm!

Something about the 3D pictures: Many scenes in that movie are happening so fast, that the whole picture is very blurry. And the director played with many close ups... which were strange to watch.
Even if the 3D effects are really good, you might consider the option to not watch it in 3D.

Well. The movie is great. And I definitely gonna watch it a second or third time.

If you are into Science Fiction or Action movies : Go to your preferred cinema theatre and enjoy.
If you also like Star Trek: Just lower a little bit your expectations and you gonna like it as well =)

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Reply by Deleted

I watched on a non-3D screen. 3D movies are a migraine trigger, unfortunately, so I can't watch any movie in 3D. The action was still very intense on a normal screen but I didn't notice the "blur" as much probably because it was flattened out with the rest of the image.

It was sort of a background thing, but a theme in the movie was Kirk's changing opinions on war and the bettering of society through exploration and intellectuality. Which is why he captures Khan instead of assassinating him, fights back against Admiral RoboCop and does the reactor thing. This was a big Star Trek thing from the shows. But you are right, its mostly action.
