I have the complete opposite opinion as tj.

It was boring, slow, and the jokes weren't funny. Maybe if you were in your late teens/early twenties in the era of the film you'd be able to relate to it a bit and enjoy it. I lasted about half way through before I left the screening, along with a few other people.

I'd recommend watching the trailer. If you watch that and think "yeh, this looks really funny" then you'll probably enjoy it. If, like me, you watched it and though "Hmm, i don't understand how this is getting 9/10s everywhere", you're probably better of missing it.

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I had the same opinion as you, it felt like the film went nowhere and there wasn't really anything to it.

While I didn't walk out, I was tempted when it was an hour and a half in and it felt like nothing happened, and nothing was going to happen.

There were a few moments that made me giggle a bit, but it's not something I'd recommend.
