Review by Deleted

Really angry. I can't believe they killed Robin and brought Killian back instead. We had already accepted his death and it made perfect sense, but now Zeus rewarded him for helping to kill Hades? Bitch please, if Robin hadn't sacrificed himself for Regina, Regina wouldn't be there to convince Zelena to kill Hades (which Robin wouldn't have been able to do). Killian being brought back didn't make any sense, even though Emma already lost Neal and it was starting to seem she was cursed or something. But all Killian did was putting some pages inside a book, Robin gave his life. Who's the real hero?
Ok, you can say "His death was permanent, there's no way to bring him back" but the truth is they shouldn't even have killed him in the first place. I really can imagine where next season is going: Regina trying to get revenge on Emma, for she always gets a happy ending and Regina doesn't. And she has every right to do it. Emma is so damn lucky it makes me wanna throw up, while Regina, who has to fight for a happy ending, never gets it. Really, this is getting so repetitive... It's time for Regina to get her happy ending. Next week we have a double episode, which means they have plenty of time to find a logical way to bring Robin back, but I'm not getting my hopes up. Really disappointed with this season.

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