Review by Vero

What an episode!!! Grant Gustin is an incredible actor. He was absolutely amazing in this episode. Besides, when he was quoting that sad and lovely book and Nora just checking he was saying everything. And when they both said at the same time: love you. It was so touching. And when Nora said "run, Barry, run". that one line. Amazing!
I thought this episode was going to be more focused on Zoom. However, it wasn't. Teo episodes left and the mistery still remains. Who Is the Man in the Iron mask? I've been on a New Theory these past weeks. Hope it is very susprising.
The speedforce in this episode was trippy, really trippy. And one question. the speedforce is fast right? I mean, If they are the source of speedster's powers, why are they always sat? Just thought.
Cisco. Nothing to add. He is amazing, as always, but his interaction with Iris was extremely funny and the way they tried to explain what happened to Barry when he was struck by lightning reminded me when I try to explain what the Flash Is all about, making a mess as I go on. Cisco's reference to izombie was great, and pretty funny. When Barry was back and Cisco said "I'm glad you are back, cause we afe about to die" was hillarious. I was very glad at the end of the episode when Iris and Barry didn't Kiss. Honestly, I thought they were about to, but they didn't and it was great.
Did anyone else notice what Henry said? I'm not going anywhere. Sounded pretty much like he is about to die.
Anyway, an amazing episode this one. Trippy, lovely, funny and compelling. Drop some tears actually. Grant Gustin is amazing and that lovely book...Very touching.
Lookimg forward to watching next episode. Can't wait. And next week we got Black Siren. Lovely seeing Laurel back after her death on Arrow.

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