Review by Aniela Krajewska

The Flash: Season 2

2x22 Invincible

Review by Aniela Krajewska
BlockedParentSpoilers2016-05-18T11:11:33Z— updated 2018-07-13T21:53:20Z

Evil Katie Cassidy with black lipstick, dressed in leather? Sign me the hell up! I loved her!

My poor baby Caitlin. I'm glad she's back with the team. She, Barry and Cisco had a really nice moment with the group hug. The original trio of nerds back together, as it should be.

"This is the part where I play stupid and you explain the science."

That's it. That's the show in a nutshell.

A lot of good lines in this episode. Very quotable.

"- I didn't know you cared, Detective.

- Yes, you did."

That was a nice spin on the clichéd "I don't" response. Joe is a gift to this world.

I love how Cisco and Harry are BFFs now. Their relationship is super fun to watch.

Barry and Iris are adorable. I didn't really like the idea of those two together in season 1. I thought that their childhood-friends dynamic with the boy inevitably falling in love with the girl was kind of unoriginal and boring. Now I'm starting to like them. I still wouldn't mind Barry and Caitlin together, though. Grant Gustin is a magical actor who has chemistry with everyone.

I wish I could get my hands on Zoom right now. Damn, leave Barry alone! That puppy of a person has been through enough. He deserves some happiness for once.

If all doppelgangers are mirror reflections of each other, does this mean that 90% of the population on Earth 2 are left-handed?

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