I'm not sure why everyone is so shocked about it. Faking It getting cancelled was a long time coming. It got high ratings because the first season was something a lot of us could relate to, the whole Maybe-She'll-Be-Gay-For-Me! thing. But THAT was the only good part about Faking It. Everything else was the usual MTV crap. Perhaps the writers were not aware that it wasn't their plotlines that people liked, but AMY AND KARMA alone. I hope that makes sense. They should've prioritized the LESBIAN/AMY&KARMA aspect of the show, instead of hurling bland crap at us--I mean, who cares about Liam Booker's bar mitzvah?? You know I had to google that guy's name because he's so unremarkable!

It is such a shame though. I was dead set on watching Faking It until the end because I figured that maybe SOMEHOW they'd realize what they're doing WRONG and focus on Amy and Karma's relationship. Sigh

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