Review by Vero

What an episode!!! when you think this show can't get any better, it gets. It was so exciting, compelling and mentally confussing. It doesn't feel like a show anymore. It feels like a 42 minutes movie. I can't wait to see how it all ends. very emotional ending. I knew Henry was going to die the minute he said he wasn't going anywhere, but I didn't expect Zoom to kill him in Barry's home in front of him. Zoom, you bastard!!!! One minute you love him, the next you hate him. I love hating him. Zoom is fucked now. But he wants to use Barry. He does nothing without a reason. He wants Barry to reize both are the same person, but why? What does he want? I think they are going to time travel or that Zoom is gonna use Barry to provoke Earth 2 armageddon. Besides, that scene with Zoom and Barry was awesome. Especially, when Zoom destroyed Barry's hopes with that "while you're playing the good little boy, I'll be busy winning". Perfectly acted.
So, Reverse Flash killed Barry's mother and Zoom killed Barry's dad. Evil speedsters on the show love killing Barry's family. They should create a spin off.
Black Siren cracks me up. She's better in one episode than in 2 Seasons of Arrow. And Zoom, he is so fucking awesome.
Now Barry, fight tbe bastard. End him in that Death race. I just need to know who is the Man in the Iron mask, what afe Zoom's plans, what the hell is that thingy Zoom and Barry run towards and how this madness is gonna end. I wish it was Tuesday already.
Best show ever!!!

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