Shout by Aniela Krajewska
BlockedParentSpoilers2016-05-24T08:37:01Z— updated 2017-08-18T22:23:38Z

This season has been excellent so far. I'm enjoying every minute of it.

Could they stop brainwashing Sameen already? My heart can't take it. That Samaritan kid has the most punchable face I've ever seen on a child. Congratulations to the casting department for making me hate a 10-year-old.

Root on a horse. I repeat, Root on a horse. I swear, this season is one giant fanfiction fantasy. I love it.

Harold singing was hilarious. I almost died from second-hand embarrasment at first, but Root and John's banter made me laugh so hard.

Root and Harry danced! What a nice moment.

I actually teared up a little when the team was sitting at the table, watching people on the dance floor. The look of longing on their faces... I wish I could hug them.

What the hell did Fusco get himself into? Don't leave me hanging like that! I need to know that he and Bear are safe!

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Good thing we've two more episodes tomorrow, I wouldn't bear (no pun intended) that cliffhanger 'til next week.
