Review by Andrew Bloom

9.8/10. Holy crap what a hilarious episode! I don't know what twisted mind came up with an cross between Henry Kissinger, a supervillain, and Mary Poppins, but the result was inspired. Dr. Killinger's super-diplomacy skills, matched up with 24 & 21's suspicions and The Monarch's sycophantic megalomania was wonderful. Even the cold open, with The Monarch accidentally attacking his own accountant's office, was pure absurd glory. The twist that he brought Monarch and Dr. Gilfriend back together, and even solved Dr. Venture's problem (sort of) was perfect in how it tied everything together as well.

Plus, Dr. Venture and Dr. Orpheus are always a superb comedic duo. The idea of a Japanese Oni bringing them on a wild goose chase across the country, with Doc's accusation that Orpheus is trying to bed him, another hilarious appearance from H. Jon Benjamin as Satan(?), and the two of them awkwardly hanging out in the hotel room had me in stitches.

Even the bit with Myra and the boys, which was probably the mildest story of the three, had its moments. The boys completely misunderstanding what's happening to them is always a good source of comedy on the show, and Brock bonding/jousting with Helper, even arguing over prog rock, was classic. Plus, there were some tremendous comedy codas, like Dr. Orpheus realizing Myra's cats can smell his cat on him, or Myra mentioning Catherine the Great. Overall, it's definitely the funniest episode of the show so far, and maybe the overall best, give or take a trip to visit Mr. Brisbee.

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