The comedy is what sells this one. I've said it before and I'll say it again -- this show mines so much good comedy from the interplay of the mundane into this fantastical superhero zone. The relationship drama with The Monarch and Dr. Fiancee (nee Girlfriend) is as amusing as ever, if a little based on some broad stereotypes. Hank and Number 21 pairing off to enjoy playing with the latter's collections of toys and comparing their circumstances is great, and works as a nice contrast to the awkward and annoyed interactions between Dean and Number 24. Plus, Dr. Venture attempting to be a lothario while Dr. Fiancee barely tolerates it and offers perturbed sarcasm is great too. There's a lot of sarcastic asides about the ridiculousness of the situation here, and it really works.

So does Dr. Orpheus's "training exercise" with The Triad. The contrast between how seriously and theatrically Dr. Orpheus approaches everything and The Alchemist's more laissez faire approach is great, and there's even a bit of a comedic destruction of how dull chasing the same arch villain all the time would be. The Alchemist gets in some good jabs (it's pretty uncouth a decade later, but him saying that fighting the same baddie is gay and adding that that's coming from someone who "voluntarily has sex with men" is an amusing line), and the ridiculous sidebars of raising the spirit of Lando's co-pilot from a trading card or attempting a seance with a birthday candle are great.

Overall, the laughs carry this one, despite the plot fireworks of getting all the major characters in the same place and setting up a big conflict between Monarch and Phantom Limb.

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