Review by Marco
BlockedParent2016-06-21T14:34:10Z— updated 2018-01-13T17:29:03Z

Now I'm an old Marvel comics geek so my opinion might not be completely unbiased I know. Still for that same reason I'm pretty critical about this show and sometime I feel like that is not written that well, though constantly saved by a truly amazing cast, and not only Matt, Foggy, Karen I mean. D'Onofrio too as Kingpin was simply great, but Berthal...oh boy...he delivered a truly unforgettable Punisher.
So, yes sometime screenwriting to me feels a bit lazy, like if writers know they can always rely on great cinematography and a top notch casting to patch everything up and make the whole thing work almost by itself.
But...whatever my opinion can be, you must give up to the fact that Frank Castle monologue was simply one of the best acting performance I have ever seen. Period. And god knows any actor would crawl on its knees to get the chance to play a role with a scene like that. Berthal hopefully will get other chances to show his acting skills again, but honestly sometime such things happen once in a lifetime. In a full long career De Niro had just one "Taxi Driver" mirror monologue. And who knows...it will be not impossible, but quite hard to get another Punisher monolgue like that. Good luck Mr Bernthal...

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