Shout by Alexander Johnson

X-Men: Apocalypse 2016

I put off watching this for an exceptionally long time past its release, simply because I had lost faith in the x-men franchise. I find x-men in particular difficult to look past its inability to stick to comic. I understand allowances have to be made for its jump to cinema, but there is so much changed and it just makes me mad,

However, this movie surprised me. While yes, many changes were made, in particular to say storms character, they did atleast stick to their own established universe in terms of other characters, such as jean grey and the Phoenix. So I can't complain about it really. I appreciate that this essentially left it full circle in terms of the movies, making it relatively easy to jump to the first three x-men movies directly after this with only a minor amount of discrepancy between the movies.

So while the fact they continue to diverge from comic is of continual annoyance to me, it was more enjoyable and less irksome then others in the x-men franchise.

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