Review by Deleted

X-Men: Apocalypse 2016


Review by Deleted

This movie was hilarious, one giant disappointing joke. I went in with very little expectations and was actually pleasantly surprised with the beginning of the movie. Apocalypse's "origin story" was interesting and filmed in a very captivating way. That part of the movie was the only part that could really pull me in and it was simply an introduction to a character. Sadly after that it all went downhill extremely fast.

It started with characterization. It's not because people are familiar with the characters because of previous movies (or comics) that you can just slack off on writing proper characters. In X-Men Apocalypse they apparently decided that instead of giving a decent character arc to a couple of major characters they would rather give a lot of characters a very shitty and underdeveloped arc. Wonderful. Really. A character arc isn't supposed to just be "well let us show you a difficulty for this character in the start and then we'll suddenly get back to that at the end with it all being fixed", show us some evolution in your characters throughout the movie, and maybe we'd manage to actually care about them. So point one: poorly written.

Point two: DEAR GOD THIS WAS WRITTEN SO BADLY. The dialogue sounded so forced and unnatural it took me out of the movie and made me laugh at what should have been very serious moments.

Which brings me to my next point: x-men reeeeaaaally takes itself way too seriously. You've got really smart characters here, trying to cope with a very shitty world, make them witty, make them funny. It CAN WORK, humor would not have been out of place here, at all. Characters coping with humor is very common. They wouldn't have had to do it all the time, just a witty response to something here and there. It would have improved the dialogue situation and it would have taken my mind off of the (very disappointing) plot. Quicksilver is the only comic relief we get, and he didn't get nearly enough scenes.

Sure, the effects were great, hey even the first couple of scenes showing Apocalypse's origins were very promising, but that was overshadowed by a terrible script and horrible directing. The movie was a clusterfuck.

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