This movie is good but it doesn't compare to 'Dazed and Confused' and I'm not sure why Linklater thought it was a good idea to market it as a "spiritual sequel" to that movie. 'Everybody Wants Some!!' doesn't have that much in common with 'Dazed.' It's a fine college comedy but not much more than that. The soundtrack is great and there are a number of interesting characters, but it all almost seems like a persiflage or parody of 'Dazed.' This movie certainly lacks the realism of 'Dazed,' which makes the latter movie so brilliant in my opinion. 'Everybody Wants Some!!' is a fine comedy but it's nowhere near the masterpiece that 'Dazed and Confused' is. I think it's pretty much impossible to recreate the brilliance of that movie.

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