8.6/10. Even for a show that's as ambitious in its regular storytelling as Venture Bros. is, I still really enjoy when they break the format, whether it's in bits like the noir homage or the time-jumping season 4 premiere. Framing this entire episode through intersecting interrogation scenes, and parceling out bits of the plot through strained memories and different accounts of the same event made the twists, turns, and big reveals that much more enjoyable. Brock having trouble with Molotov and then finding out that she's working for Gathers is canny narrative stuff, and the fakeout worked for me. On top of that, there's more mythos and world-building business going on, from another intriguing appearance of The Investors, to more details about The Guild and The Sovereign, to a little more detail about OSI itself and who they answer to.

Plus, Rusty and the boys were in top form. Doc's got his selfish style of comedy down at this point, and between Hank being tied to his strength suit (and Gather's envying his faux-shapeliness) and Dean freeing OSI's precogs (I didn't expect a Minority Report homage), there was lots of humor to go around. Overall, it was an episode built more on amusing twists than pure comedy, but it was a very tightly written ep that still had enough laughs to keep it going.

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@andrewbloom I hope this wasn't the last episode for Monstroso.
