Shout by Fernando Antunes

Suicide Squad 2016

This movie had some bad things and some good things. Haley was amazing. Margot Robbie convinced me. She understand the character and maded an exelent work. I liked Deadshot too. Will Smith made well what he knows. Amanda Waller was good too. About Joker, I think he coud be more time on screen. I liked, but I can't say how well he really can be. There are the good things.

Screenplay is ballshit, I really understand nothing. I thought the movie kind of boring. I think Suicide Squad shouhd not face villains who want cause mass destruction. I think Suicide Squad should face smaller and specifc problems.

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@ferantunes Err Wonder Woman is in Superman vs Batman....thats how desperate DC are, I grew up on DC comics, and apart from the Dark Knight series of films, they have nothing in their locker, especially as Heath Ledger is no longer with us
