6.8/10. This episode didn't really work for me. Getting to see the Council of Thirteen outside of their screens feels like it should have been a bigger deal. I mean, it fits with this show's ethos of the mundane, kind of sad side to all the pie-in-the-sky tet-a-tets between heroes and villains, but it's not like there were a lot of laughs or excitement from the Council either. (I kind of enjoyed the bit where they got mixed up over Wacky Races in their reminiscing, but otherwise I could take or leave most of their bits save for an inspired return from Kevin Conroy as Captain Sunshine.)

The OSI side of things didn't do much for me either. Brock and Shore Leave have grown on me as a pairing, but the rest of the crew didn't leave much of an impact, and the espionage mission didn't have the verve of some of their other capers. Ghost Robot and the Robocop Expy bonding had its moments; Doc and Billy trying to get into the party as a ventriloquist act was goofy enough to work, and Dr. Girlfriend spouting guild law and then being offered a seat on the council was nice. (I totally called that Monarch would be the one to thwart the attack on Rusty.) But overall, this one just kind of left me cold. It was fine, with no real glaring missteps, just not a lot to engage with either.

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