7.7/10. Four interesting stories that all touched on the theme of what it is to balance your desire for love with your desire for fulfillment in the other areas of your life. You have BoJack, who is (barring whatever may happen in the rest of the season or later in the series) at arguably his professional peak as the star of a hit film in contention for an Oscar, and yet he confesses to the woman whose rehearsal dinner he crashed that neither that nor his friends nor his other accomplishments fill that hole in his life. You have Princess Carolyn who, after two pretty miserable (and word play-filled) dates, actually meets a guy she connects with and has a really nice time with, but realizes that running an agency, fulfilling the dream we saw her beginning to pursue in "The BoJack Horseman Show," means that she likely won't have time to follow up on that.

At the same time, you have Dianne being out late and away from her husband yet again for work-related reasons. The admits that despite her profession, she's not always good at expressing herself romantically, and that it's easier for her to do that in her work than in a therapy session (with Dr. Melfi!), though the drugs help. And you have Todd, who helps come up with a great business idea, but has some sort of fear of intimacy that prevents him from fooling around with his old flame.

Each of the stories works pretty well, and the episode jumps between them pretty deftly, to where they feel like interlocking pieces of a puzzle rather than a jumble. The comedy comes and goes (the Entourage parody didn't do too much for me, while the rehearsal dinner gags did), and the visuals for Dianne's trip were cool. Overall, I liked the exploration of the theme, which outside of BoJack's speech, didn't lay things on too thick but for the most part let the situations speak for themselves. I particularly liked Princess Carolyn's story, which explored the pathos that's been at the core of the character for a while, but in a nicely understated way. Good stuff.

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