Review by ManiacB

Quite a ballsy move going for a bad end after all that. I see a lot of people are upset about it since this bad end was basically a combination of about 3/4 other route endings, but with only 13 episodes I don't see what else they could have done really. This makes sense, and it looks like there will be a Season 2 covering the Moon and Terra arcs (which are the true route of the story anyway). Hopefully it'll be a bit better in terms of quality too.

As a big fan of the VN I can't say this series is completely without merit, but I do think it makes for poor standalone piece and is definitely a "for fans only" series. So little time is spent explaining a lot of the elements of the plot that only someone who's read the VN will get it. The same thing happened with Grisaia and the same studio was behind that too. I'm not blaming them specifically, I just think it's a shame that the last few Key properties have ended up with sub-par adaptations that don't hold up on their own.

I will of course be watching the second series but I wouldn't blame anyone for not bothering after watching this. All I can say is that as if often the case with these things, the source material is far better and I would urge anyone who is willing to give it a chance - there's a reason I was initially looking forward to this adaptation so much and it's because the VN itself is great. If you do plan to check it out, be aware that whilst the original Rewrite VN has been fully translated, Key are also planning a release of Rewrite+ (the original game and the fandisc, plus some tweaks to the original story) in English in the future.

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