7.2/10. A solid debut for the first regular episode of the show. I'm always a sucker for a good heist episode, and it only contributes to my Firefly flashbacks with this show to watch the crew of the Ghost pull off boosting a set of imperial weapons under the nose of a traveling attache. Throwing R2-D2 and C-3PO into the mix felt a little pandering, but I understand having to hook casual first time watchers with some familiar faces (though their designs looked a little off to me - probably just fitting them in with the art style of the show.)

I really liked the idea of Zeb's discomfort with the crew of the Ghost selling blasters that had been banned because they were used to wipe out his people. It added some real stakes and character to distinguish this heist from any other "sell weapons to make money" bit the show might do again. But I liked it a lot better when it was stray lines of dialogue that told as much of the story as we needed rather than Hera giving Ezra an exposition dump about the assaults. Similarly, I liked that they were trying to give Zeb an "anger before reason" rationale to dive into the fray to fight Callis, but having Callis use a Lasat weapon and declare that he gave the order to wipe them out was a little too simplistic and mustache-twirlingly evil for my tastes.

There's other interesting bits here or there. Ezra having a Potter-esque "emotion = magic powers" moment is kind of cheesy, but worked well enough. And seeing Bail Organa was a treat. Overall, it's a solid, if somewhat unambitious start to the season in earnest.

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