So, they couldn't find or pay anyone to play the role of Frankenstein and gave it to David Anders??? He already had a role! Nonsense! And btw Victor was not blonde!!!

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@spidemrah he had that role since season 1 but also looks a lot like someone else Emma met in the regular world in season 1. So I guess he did play 2 roles.

@spidemrah yes, he had a role, the role o Doctor Frankenstein! it is known since season 2

@jim222001 he was a doctor that was taking care of Charming in the first episode of the show, so he was a doctor, after magic came to Storybrooke he became Doctor Frankenstein!

@spidemrah X'D David Anders plays Victor Frankenstein! It's one character!

@spidemrah did you even watch this show properly? He has been playing Frankenstein since the beginning but was a doctor during the curse. He hasn't had too much screen time but still...
