7.0/10. First semi-underwhelming episode of the show. The laughs were generally still there, but the plots were a lot more standard-issue and not executed in a particularly novel way.

That goes especially for the main story, about Gandhi being diagnosed with ADD and Lincoln having to choose between supporting his friend and continuing to date/make out with Cleopatra. It's kind of a hokey premise, even for parody purposes. I did enjoy the bizarre running gags about Gandhi shoving things up his nose; the Bye Bye Birdie parody song was cute, and the ending, where Abe kisses Gandhi to show he's not a leper, thereby winning over the crowd by stoking their fears of homosexuality against him over their fears of Gandhi's ADD was mildly subversive, especially for the time. But still, the story itself was pretty trite, and throwing in a pointless and annoying Tom Green cameo didn't help matters.

The B-stories were about the same. Joan of Arc thinking that she's hearing voices, when it turns out they're just radio signals coming in through her braces was a predictable turn. While her chatting with Jesus about hearing things from God was amusing, it was a one-joke plot and the joke wasn't that good.

The story about the Principal stealing Mr. Butlertron's magical sweater vest and wanting to bond with his students through it fared a little better, especially his realization that he just wanted the kids' admiration and not for them to actually open up to him. And it dovetailed in a pretty amusing fashion with Gandhi's story. But it's a pretty minor, if amusing enough part of the episode, which seems to be the Principal's role in the show.

Overall, a little more generic animated show fare than in the prior episodes, and while the humor's still solid, that hurt the episode.

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