Shouts about...

12 Hour Shift 2020

a super & good movie & very funny comedy ... Dialogues, acting perfect.... I would to like to go in a hospital never again l ! ! !
I recommend this movie you will have some good fun... with David Arquette playing & producer of this funny horror movie

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Quirky comedy horror with a thriller twist, 12 Hour Shift is surely an intriguing short ride but nothing sets it apart from others in the genre. Somehow engaging even with a threadbare plot and weak acting from the supporting cast, give this one a chance if you enjoyed Shaun of the Dead or Slither.

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Like an office birthday party in the break room, it wants to be special but doesn't bring anything to the table to make that happen.

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The concept sounded fun...the execution...didn't quite do it. B-movies that feel like B-movies can still be a ton of fun. B-movies that feel like a college film project, not so much. Not willing to play the story straight and unwilling to truly embrace the goofiness of it all, you're left in a no man's land of "meh". I can't really even recommend this to genre fans because it doesn't bring anything interesting to the party. Avoid.

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I’m just grateful it wasn’t a twelve hour film. At less than ninety minutes this felt overlong, so do yourself a favour and watch something else.

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Why we watched it all is beyond me!! was not a fall of this movie! We must have been real boarded.

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[Sitges FF] Series B black comedy closer to series Z. Night shift, drug addict nurse, organ dealer. The cocktail is good to make a comic madness or a bloody schizophrenia. But there is none of that. There is an intention to do something creative (the soundtrack struggles to get out of the norm but it seems to come from another film). The intention is not what counts. There is a lot of clumsiness and lack of talent.

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