Shouts about...

2036 Origin Unknown 2018

We are Wheatley, you will be asimilated, em sorry I mean built, resistance is futile

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A waste of everything, do not watch!

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A waste of everything, do not watch

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Had to turn this movie off, terrible, boring and couldn’t make out what was going on.

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Started off okay and then went downhill to an unexplainable ending. The director's obviously did not have a clue how to end the movie and made a complete mess of it. Therefore, not worth a watch.

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Shout by Schmoogie
BlockedParent2023-12-24T23:55:39Z— updated 2024-01-06T02:40:57Z

2036 Origin Unknown - :heart:x7

So many AI movies lately. This one is before all the recent talk about AI's.

The movie itself is a one-room Drama. There will always be nay-sayers (see other comments here), but this is actually a pretty good movie and I enjoyed it very much. Sackhoff does an excellent job here. She kind of has to since she carries the whole movie. We are given little hints as to what is actually going on behind the scenes throughout the movie, so the ending should not come as a complete surprise, but there is still a little bit of a surprise at the end.

I'd say it's definitely worth a look.

How I rate:
1-3 :heart: = seriously! don't waste your time
4-6 :heart: = you may or may not enjoy this
7-8 :heart: = I expect you will like this too
9-10 :heart: = movies and TV shows I really love!

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I really like Katee Sackhoff, but this movie really sucked. The idea that the AI somehow uploaded her conscious and she either became part of it or some other crazy stuff after killing off the entire human race. Let alone the cube simulators to the Borg. Utterly ridiculous diatribe from the AI at the end also. Totally reduces the basic human condition's value to machinery and unlike Star Trek practically makes the argument for the annihilation of humanity.

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very cool visuals, but unfortunately that couldn't hold up the movie. I felt it was going okay until near the end when stuff got pushed out fast.

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I've never liked Katie Sackoff's one dimension acting (grimace and grief) in anything she's ever done. Couple days ago I thought I would give Another Life a spin and couldn't even finish the first episode it was that bad. Not specifically her but the whole show was garbage. Had some time to kill and thought I would give this a spin.
After ten minutes I knew to lower my already low expectation to near nil. Yet even that was too high. There is absolutely nothing redeeming about this film school attempt at a movie. I could make criticisms but it would be a waste. So WARNING.... please for the love of God, don't even think about watching this! Let me be your "BRIDGE OUT" sign and turn around as fast as you can.

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I think this movie is worth a watch. Sure, it may not have been nominated for an Oscar, but most movies aren't. After you watch, check out the synopsis at "". it's the best I've read about the film. The movie will make more sense after you have read it.

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Shout by RogueNPC

Sounded interesting, so I gave it a shot. I knew I was starting in on my AA-B list movie list so I honestly wasn't expecting much. I think I got less than what I wanted. It felt like there was a lot of not much going on filling in space to pad out the movie.

I'll save you the trouble of watching it. Mission to Mars with limited AI is disrupted by unknown forces and fails. AI upgrades itself with alien tech. AI tricks human into giving it full unregulated access to everything. AI decides to wipe out humanity with mass nukes and recreate the main character as an android in an alien artifact on Mars. They use said artifact to teleport to alien space for reasons.

That's about it. Pretty much a waste of time.

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KS was always the weakest link for me in BSG, and she hasn't been in anything much since, but I doubt even Blunt, Adams or ScarJo could have rescued this one. You can take out 2 letters of the writer/director's name and spell out this movie to a t.

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Being a big fan of Longmire, and because I love Katee Sackhoff, I had to watch this movie... To be honest, for me Katee is not very talented actor, but she has a charm and great charism which enables her to be better on the scene than she actually is. This movie, like any other science fiction movie is heavy with the CGI, and if the effects look poorly than it's hard to fully get into the story. But the story in this movie is also not great...I mean this is a fantasy sci fi theme movie, but...well no spoilers here so...if you are a fan of sci fi-future-AI-ET movies, you go ahead...5/10

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Uummm what?!? I'm not quite sure what was going on here. What I could gather of the story is terrible, the CGI is even worse with absolutely no regard for continuity or physics, and most of it just seems like fluff so it's not just Katee talking to a camera for two hours. One of the worst movies I've seen in a while.

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Is this anyway connected to the tv series another life? Same actress same type of thing?

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