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A Bridge Too Far 1977

The very best of the genre

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Top critics enjoy saying this film is overlong and wastes a great cast. Yet, normal people at least get that A Bridge Too Far is a classic. With some of the best battle scenes ever shot on film.
The great cast definitely helps keep your attention throughout. The musical score just makes the movie sound like a feel good action comedy. When it is in fact pretty gloomy.

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Regarding the British, a very great example of Lions led by donkeys, given the senior commands it’s only down to the men who fought so well that we managed to do as well as we did

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Great cast, but movie was lacking. After Saving Private Ryan, every war movie seems like it is just kids in the backyard playing war. Storyline follows the typical analysis of Market Garden.

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First off - WHAT A CAST! Just unbelievable. I consider myself a minor history buff and I knew nothing of Operation Market-Garden, the real World War II battle that this is based on. This is one of a very few WWII movies that don't have the Allies coming out victorious. It really made me start wondering if the Brits get tired of us making Field Marshall Montgomery look like a buffoon in all of our movies. The cinematography was outstanding throughout the three hours here, but I have to single out the paratroop scenes. The multiple camera angles from the ground and air were blended nicely to paint an amazing picture of the jumpers. This is a must see for any World War II movie buff.

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