An excellent little gem filled with so many "classic horror movie" tropes. This movie pokes fun at itself and others (even Netflix). It was a refreshing little mindf@#$.

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Very disappointing. It's shot beautifully and the sound is decently made. The problem is it tries to put many horror tropes and borrows too much from The Cabin in the Woods and Midsommar without doing any of it particularly well. The best bit of this film is that one scene from the clip on youtube. Most of the violence is off-screen which is not really surprising since it's coming from Netflix. I saw the twist coming from miles away, the meta aspect unfortunately doesn't work well in this and the redemption feels flat because it's hard to feel sympathy if you don't care about any characters in the first place.

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it's a ok movie. you do not need to watch, but if you do, nothing changes in your life. it has some clear inspirations from other horror movies but with no reason, just a bunch of ideas stitched together and hoping that YOU overthink enough to make any sense.
for some... 13 year old teenager, this could be THE social criticism movie that he/she will recommend to their friends as a great movie.

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This was great until it wasn’t. Just skip this and watch The Ritual, also on Netflix.

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No scares here, but it was a pretty movie and I guess it was fun to catch all the innuendos to other horror classics.

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A waste of 1hr 35mins of my life. This was so bad. Don't waste your time on it

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I really liked the plot and the characters. However, for those who are not fluent in Italian, listen to it in original Italian with English closed captioning because the English Dub is kind of annoying and makes the movie experience worse.

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Shout by Carlos Luis Lopes
BlockedParent2021-07-23T23:34:58Z— updated 2021-07-25T06:50:13Z

I could say this is a blend of Arie Aster Midsommar, Eli Roth Green Inferno and all Texas Chainsaw style movies you can remember, and even include that it has the irreverent comedy of Tarantino’s Once upon time in Hollywood. Instead, this Italian movie will be remembered by me for its originality on truly not wanting to be a “classic horror story”. It had the story and the cinematography but decided to destroy everything in an attempt of being a modern version of Sliver.

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Really great atmosphere and set up, starts to really borrow from other horror films but ends up being somewhat for a purpose. In the end the movie isn’t quite as clever as it thinks it is but enjoyable nonetheless.

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A film with that title is setting itself up to fail. No way is this a classic horror story, although the folksy elements may please Wicker Man and Midsommar fans. There are some intriguing ideas here but sadly, most of them go unrealised.

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[Netflix] "Your movie sucks. It is a rip-off of so many others", says one of the characters. It's the revelation of an intelligent exercise of metacinema that is revealed as an ironic reflection (the use of cliché, the mafia) on the representation of violence in our society (the diatribe against Italian cinema). A self aware movie that places us in front of and behind the screen. And so, satire works better than horror.

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Horror movie about a cult set in a forest? Sign me up!!! Didn’t see that twist coming, but I enjoyed it a lot.

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Started off like a texas chainsaw copy, then it went stupid. A complete waste of time.

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no bad movie to watch. Liked the setting and story.

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Shout by Dizzy

"It's me Fabrizio..." :sob:

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Shout by Deleted
BlockedParentSpoilers2021-09-10T23:39:15Z— updated 2021-09-13T18:29:29Z

it's always the incel lol

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An okay movie, but not well executed. It had potential to be more scarier or deeper, but failed to do that on second to third act. Left me with some questions.

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Visually stunning! Gorgeously composed scenes. Colors in every frame are so beautiful.

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I just have four words about this movie:

Matilda Anna Ingrid Lutz :heart:

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Even if you go meta, the narrative still needs to make sense. Also no onion browser buffers HD that fast.

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Like doggy bag spaghetti, there's nothing new but it doesn't have to be fresh to be good.

This is what happens when you take a U Turn to Midsommar and,while it goes off the rail in the third act, there's still enough blood to get us across the finish line with a smile.

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A tired collection of tropes all based on some kind of nature-meets-nurture thing that we've seen a million times before, not least in 'Scream' that did this to death, albeit many times better. This is a roller-coaster ride into screams and boredom, so if that's what 'classic' means, here you go.

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I‘m not a huge fan of this movie. It‘s okay till the half of the film but I don‘t like the plottwist and therefore the end, too. It‘s okay for an afternoon, if you don‘t have other Netflix or Prime movies to watch, but don‘t expect to much.

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Italians do it better :heart:

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i didn't have high hope but i expected something to enjoy but this movie was a complete waste of time!

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