Personal Lists featuring...

A Girl Walks Home Alone at Night 2014


Horror made in and/or set in the 2010's


R | PG-13
Comedy, Indie Comedy, Mature Drama, Mature Comedy, Mature Romance.
Not Too-Adult (only few Explicit Seen)

Rating System -
NC-17: Clearly Adult
R: Restricted
PG-13: Parents Strongly Cautioned
PG: Parental Guidance Suggested
G: General Audiences


Shaenon K. Garrity's list. One horror movie (plus a few double- and triple-features) for every day of the year. Check the source for sketches and descriptions of each day.


#theme #list_order #complete


Films I watched and plan to watch



by Slavtja



by Slavtja


For the Library

by Will Rogers

Blu-Ray's to add


films that are elevated or sophisticated in their themes, style, and execution, often blurring the lines between traditional genre conventions and arthouse or experimental cinema. These movies are often considered to be a combination of commercial appeal and artistic merit, combining elements of popular genres such as crime, science fiction, or horror, with more serious and thought-provoking themes, innovative cinematography, and a focus on character development. High art genre movies are often more character-driven and less reliant on conventional plot structures, and they challenge the audience's expectations while providing a unique and engaging viewing experience.


My favourite movies of all times




Movies that I possess on blu-ray


Horror movies I want to watch or rewatch


A cinematic history mixed with contemporary art.
Cinema is full of neurotic personalities, but few things are more transfixing than a woman losing her mind onscreen. Horror as a genre provides the most welcoming platform for these histrionics: crippling paranoia, desperate loneliness, masochistic death-wishes, dangerous obsessiveness, apocalyptic hysteria. Unlike her male counterpart - ‘the eccentric’ - the female neurotic lives a shamed existence, making these films those rare places where her destructive emotions get to play.


Women Make Film II †

Introductions and Chapters††
01 – 05 / Introductions
06 – 29 / Chapter 01 | Openings
30 – 42 / Chapter 02 | Tone
43 – 56 / Chapter 03 | Believability
57 – 66 / Chapter 04 | Introducing Character
67 – 76 / Chapter 05 | Meet Cute
77 – 88 / Chapter 06 | Conversation
89–104 / Chapter 07 | Framing
105–109 / Chapter 08 | Tracking
110–114 / Chapter 09 | Staging
115–126 / Chapter 10 | Journey
127–136 / Chapter 11 | Discovery
137–149 / Chapter 12 | Adult/Child
150–150 / Chapter 13 | Economy
151–154 / Chapter 14 | Editing
155–161 / Chapter 15 | POV
162–166 / Chapter 16 | Close Up
167–173 / Chapter 17 | Surrealism and Dreams
174–180 / Chapter 18 | Bodies
181–191 / Chapter 19 | Sex
192–197 / Chapter 20 | Home
198–199 / Chapter 21 | Religion
200–207 / Chapter 22 | Work
208–219 / Chapter 23 | Politics
220–221 / Chapter 24 | Gear Change
222–228 / Chapter 25 | Comedy
229–232 / Chapter 26 | Melodrama
233–235 / Chapter 27 | SCI-FI
236–241 / Chapter 28 | Horror and Hell
242–245 / Chapter 29 | Tension
246–251 / Chapter 30 | Stasis
252–254 / Chapter 31 | Leave Out
255–259 / Chapter 32 | Reveal
260–264 / Chapter 33 | Memory
265–267 / Chapter 34 | Time
268–270 / Chapter 35 | Life Inside
271–275 / Chapter 36 | The Meaning of Life
276–XXX / Chapter 37 | Love
XXX–XXX / Chapter 38 | Death
XXX–XXX / Chapter 39 | Endings
XXX–XXX / Chapter 40 | Song and Dance

† NOTE: This is my second and broader list based on Women Make Film: A New Road Movie Through Cinema (2019) by Mark Cousins. It's a complete list of all films by chapter that appear in Cousins' 14 hour documentary. It's ranked and notated to mirror the documentary's structure. My other (first) list is similar but more narrow selection of films and their TCM premier dates, based on the same Cousins' documentary which airs in TCM's 2020 Women Make Film Film Festival.

†† NOTE: This list notes the first instance only of a film that may appear in multiple chapters.
