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Abominable 2006

An enjoyable riff on Hitchcock's "Rear Window". The man-in-suit Bigfoot is pretty cool and effective as big, lumbering creatures go. The acting was enjoyable, and the characters did the kinds of things you'd expect in a movie that seems a tribute to those Horror VHS tapes that you used to find in video rental stores. There's some gore in this, including a "faceoff" with a Bigfoot. Literally.

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Despite a couple unlikeable leads and a hilarious looking Sasquatch, it's tons of fun. The rear window theme they were going for is a little played out, and they stretched it out to the max, but again it's a good time, with some fun cameos too. I'll be spinning this one again, that's for sure.

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A bloodthirsty Bigfoot is on the prowl and a very hot Tiffany Shepis is on the menu....

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This falls under those "so bad it's good" headings. Maybe not good, but entertaining. It's so f-ing bad, you have to see it. The writing, the special effects, the tech. All. Amazing. Totally worth the time if you have nothing better going on.

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Laughably bad in so many ways, but for a horror to drink to, it's only slightly painful to sit through. Surprised they didnt just try to call this Rear Window Horror. Excellent cameos in play, but totally underused.

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