Personal Lists featuring...

Against All Odds 1984


Give em a try. You might like these.


Not in full order. Just most things i have watched on Netflix, Shows in progress 2024-03-29, im only keeping Show and Season Heads, trying to folder all episodes in to separat folders


Not in full order. Just everything i have watched on Netflix missing 6 items compered to Netflix list


Collection of additional "must-see" Danny Perry's movies, presented in the back of his "Guide for the Film Fanatic"

546 movies missing. Imported from external source.


Gonna probably watch most of them.


The list of films that are ranked best by me.... for now all is ranked....from the bad to best seen from 12 25 2020 to 09 01 2022


TSPDT is building a list of 1000 Noir films to expand on its previous 250 Quintessential Noirs. Following the initial collection of 100 noirs, a further 900 noir films (or films with prominent noir elements) will steadily be added (in a fairly random manner). This list will contain the full 1000 films which are the 1,000 most cited noir films (according to TSPDT's research). Please note that this list has not been and will not be ranked.



The Neo Noir/Modern Noir (Post 1964) lists 91 films made after the 'golden age' of film noir. These films have borrowed from the artistic glories of the past, but also have embellished the film noir landscape with their contrasting modern aesthetics (particularly with the use of colour). We have grouped them by decade, and all are American-produced, except where noted.


A car chase is the vehicular overland chase of one party by another, involving at least one automobile or other wheeled motor vehicle in pursuit.


The title here should be "The Big Film Noir-ish List" but I leave it as is for easy searching.

Film Noir is not a genre, rather it was a movement. The last true film in that movement was "Touch of Evil" in 1958. This list includes Film Noir, Neo-Noir, Post-Modernist Neo-Noir, and other films that were informed - either in theme or form - by the Film Noir movement.

If your favorite didn't make the list, feel free to comment so I can add them to the list.
