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Airplane vs Volcano 2014

For fans of Asylum movies.

I think people are being a bit too harsh with their reviews.

First off, this is obviously not a Hollywood blockbuster.

Second, stop taking this movie seriously.

You have to appreciate that Dean Cain used to be Superman and is now in this low budget film.

Honestly, my favorite part of this movie was how unbelievable it was. I think if you have the right mindset, and aren't expecting Passenger 57 or Con-Air, you'll really enjoy how dumb this movie is.

One of my favorite things to do when I don't want to watch a good move, is to watch a bad movie. It's so much fun watching unbelievable plots with sub par acting and even worse special effects.

So, next time you watch a "bad" movie, remember to set your standards low and it might have be a great movie if you let it just be dumb.

I guess it's not for everyone. But, if you're taking life too seriously all the time, you'll miss gems like this movie. Cheers!

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Yesterday we continue with the disaster movies, with this of the Assylum, tatty, entertaining, very fantastic

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Shout by 1010011011

This movie would have gotten a better rating if it just didn't try to be so serious.

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