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Alice Júnior 2020

This film was a bit of a workout, between the visual filters and the subtitles trying to keep pace with the rapid fire Brazilian Portuguese. The struggle of the protagonist felt real, though, and their point of view was helpful in decoding the trans experience. The parental subplot felt a little forced and trivial, though, the film could have done without it. I’m glad I watched it, and maybe, if my Portuguese gets better, I’ll wade into it again. I give this film a 7 (good) out of 10. [Romantic Dramedy]

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The movie did a great job in portraying Alice as a normal teen girl, with the normal feelings and perceptions of a teen girl. She is a lovely character and carries the movie well.
The part with the adults was a bit awkward though. Alice's dad is a fantastic parent, no discussion, he defends his daughter in ways that I have seen few parents do, but I saw no point in his romance plot. It was just there, it felt too casual to be important enough to be shown like that. Maybe adding more meaningful dialogue would have helped, or it should not have been done at all.
I mean, think about this: he is going through something - he is watching his daughter suffer a hard process of adaptation, and no matter how great his relationship with his daughter, families are never so simple. There was supposed to be something going on in his mind, and he never approaches it, despite finding someone he could confide in. I think it would have enriched the movie to acknowledge that talking about your true feelings is necessary for bonding.

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