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Alita: Battle Angel 2019

I will never understand why having an original material so good Hollywood always messes up.

If I'm not wrong (I reread the manga years ago) is based on Vol. I and II, with Makaku and Zapan... WHY ?? WHY those ridiculous changes ??

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Wow, I can't believe all these visual effects are wasted a terrible story. The Battle Angel anime was ho hum. The live action story is a mess. The changes they made from the anime added absolutely nothing. Story is a 4/10! Visuals are some of the best ever scene.

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I'm surprised by how much I liked this. The CGI is really great and seeing it in 3D actually made it better. The world they built is so interesting and I hope to see more. Alita is a strong and interesting character. All the other characters are ok at best. The love story doesn't really work but the action is fantastic. James Cameron has a way of making what seems like bad ideas entertaining.

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Spectacular "performance capture" (see video link below), great performances (how could it be any less with performances by Christoph Waltz, Mahershala Ali and Jennifer Connelly), wonderful world building by Robert Rodriguez, but a rather disappointing writing (love story fell flat) and story arch (it was as if they planned where they were going and, just as they were about to arrive, they decided to leave the finish to sequel(s) - what a cheat), turning a 9 (superb) movie into a 7 (okay/good) out of 10. [SciFi, Manga based, Action Drama]

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Just finished watching Alita: Battle Angel. Absolutely loved it. Beautiful fight choreography. Incredible special effects. Classic plot with a great twist while staying true to the source material.

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There was so much potential here, and even little amount of rich lore was beautiful.

I felt nothing for any characters except Alita and the doctor. Everyone else felt as if they were just reading text from paper. Even the love story was fully empty, and no emotion carried with the death of Hugo.

It seems like James Cameron fully underestimated his CGI vision. 80% of the CGI parts you were consistently and painfully reminded they were CGI. At least Avatar did CGI well.

All they had to do to make this a great movie, would be focus on the Mars backstory, maybe the dropped ship, and perhaps the city or bounty hunting life more. They instead focused on hollow characters and a drive to attack an overlord not even explained.

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Okay so walking into the theater I wasn't exactly expecting much however wow I was blown away complete must see

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Another film I want to love, see, then realize it’s just the intro to yet another hopeful franchise. Doubtful we will ever see it’s conclusion.

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I'll watch the original anime from 1993 right now to be prepared

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i hope its as good as i imagine

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