Shouts about...

Alive 2020

Fair enough
A decent one worth watching
Some real good horror bits taken from my favourite horror movies, decent performances but it definitely started to drag through the 3rd and final act.
I must admit I never
"Saw" that
twist coming at the end.

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Like cars around an armless traffic cop, Alive is well-directed, moves along nicely and always keeps you guessing.

A schizoid monster combining elements of Saw with parts of The Collector, Alive is its own beast with attention to detail that give the stylish horror more depth than most indie gore. #recommend

(Full disclosure: I was given a screener of this film, but wouldn't post a review if I didn't like it.)

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The first half of this movie is kind of pedestrian and rather slow-moving but the second act and particularly the concluding twist was most enjoyable and unexpected. Worth watching - and stick with the credits, too, as there are two bonus scenes.

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