Personal Lists featuring...

All About My Mother 1999


Prix de la mise en scène (en: The Best Director Award) is an annual award presented at Festival de Cannes (en: the Cannes Film Festival) for best directing achievements in a feature film screened as part of festival's official selection (i.e. films selected for the competition program which compete for the festival's main prize Palme d'Or).

Awarded by festival's jury, it was first given in 1946. The prize was not awarded on 12 occasions (1947, 1953–54, 1960, 1962–64, 1971, 1973–74, 1977, 1980). In addition, the festival was not held at all in 1948 and 1950, while in 1968 no awards were given as the festival was called off mid-way due to the May 1968 events in France. Also, the jury vote was tied and prize was shared by two directors on seven occasions (1955, 1969, 1975, 1983, 2001, 2002 and 2016).


1001 Movies You Must See Before You Die is a film reference book edited by Steven Jay Schneider with original essays on each film contributed by over 70 film critics.


Cinema that creates awareness and shows realities.


Some LGBT movies and TV shows I've already watched.


Movies or shows in spanish.


All the movies I have watched from the book 1001 movies


Original Edition (2003) + additions (2004-2021) in that order.

2021 Edition Additions:
The Vast of Night (2019)
The Assistant (2019)
Rocks (2019)
Saint Maud (2019)
Tenet (2020)
Ma Rainey's Black Bottom (2020)
Soul (2020)
Never Rarely Sometimes Always (2020)
Lovers Rock (2020)
Nomadland (2020)


The 2013 version of TSPDT’s 1,000 Greatest Films is finally here. After months of stop-start, data-building and unhealthy calculation antics, the latest group of 1,000 movie offerings has been assembled once again for your pleasure (or displeasure). Depending on your observation skills, you may have already noticed that there is a new presentation for this ongoing project.


The old 2012 edition can be found @


Deutschland. France. España. Skandinavia.


This is a complete list of every movie that has ever been included in the various editions of 1001 movies. Given that I only own one edition of the physical book, this is a easier way to keep track of what has been (once) considered essential viewing.


This list is drawn from the second edition of "The New York Times Guide to the Best 1,000 Movies Ever Made" (St. Martin's Griffin, $24.95), edited by Peter M. Nichols and published in 2004. For additional information about the list, read Peter M. Nichols's preface, or A. O. Scott's introduction.


Pedro Almodóvar Caballeroè un regista, sceneggiatore e produttore cinematografico spagnolo[4].
Dai tardi anni ottanta del XX secolo è il regista più popolare del cinema spagnolo, rinomato anche a livello internazionale.


100 filmes essenciais de acordo a edição especial da revista Bravo! lançada em 2008.

"O ranking das melhores produções da história do cinema em textos sobre os principais trabalhos de Orson Welles, Stanley Kubrick, Federico Fellini, Woody Allen, Alfred Hitchcock e muitos outros."
