Personal Lists featuring...

Altered States 1980


What’s a mindfuck? A movie that plays with your mind, confuses you, and leads you on. It’s not just a movie with a twist ending. Mindfucks are borderline-incoherent, dreamlike, and surreal.


The objective of this Collection are Movies with:

Complex plot
Big plot twist.
Ending twist

Pulled from PTP collection


Taken from


films that are elevated or sophisticated in their themes, style, and execution, often blurring the lines between traditional genre conventions and arthouse or experimental cinema. These movies are often considered to be a combination of commercial appeal and artistic merit, combining elements of popular genres such as crime, science fiction, or horror, with more serious and thought-provoking themes, innovative cinematography, and a focus on character development. High art genre movies are often more character-driven and less reliant on conventional plot structures, and they challenge the audience's expectations while providing a unique and engaging viewing experience.


Thriller horror. Updated regularly.

Last update: 3/19/2014


Robots! Space! Aliens! Dystopian Futures!

All things that fascinated me as a child, and still do. Hope y'all enjoy.

Sorry to anyone that used the last list. Somehow, I deleted by accident.


Source: IMDB
Filter: Votes >= 10000
Order: Votes Descending
Date: 2014-08-23


A random mixture of films.


A list of every film mentioned in the documentary In Search of Darkness.
UPDATED to include the films mentioned in the follow-up documentary In Search of Darkness: Part II.

List by hotsake


Not for those with heart conditions. You might get dirty looks if you mention these films. Welcome aboard fellow traveller. Remember it's only a movie...


Brace yourself for mind-altering twists, mind-warping enigmas, and an unrelenting assault on your senses. It's an audacious celebration of dark, cerebral pleasure that will leave you exhilarated, mystified, and begging for more. So grab your popcorn, dim the lights, and let the mindfuckfest begin!


Movies to watch when you think you have seen every good horror movie. These are horror movies that don't appear on most horror lists, but are still very worth watching.


Since its explosion in the 1950s, science fiction has become one of the most popular film genres, with numerous dedicated fan conventions, academic conferences, websites, magazines, journals, book clubs, memorabilia and collectibles. Once relegated to B budget status, today's science fiction films are often blockbuster productions, featuring major stars.

Despite its high profile, science fiction is notoriously difficult to define. In his introduction to 100 Science Fiction Films, Barry Keith Grant explains the genre's complexities, while also providing an overview of its history, suggesting that the cinema is an ideal medium for conveying the 'sense of wonder' that critics have argued is central to the genre. From Georges Melies's Le Voyage dans la lune (1902), to the blockbusters of the 1970s that dramatically changed Hollywood, to the major releases of the past few years, the films featured in this book represent a range of periods, countries and types (including alien invasion, space travel, time travel, apocalypse, monsters and anime), and cover the key directors and writers.

100 Science Fiction Films provides a lively and illuminating guide to the genre from the beginning of film history to the present, taking the reader on a comprehensive tour through the rich and varied alternate universe of sci-fi cinema.



Movies within the genre of horror, sci fi, fantasy or mystery.
Mostly low budget or at least not very well known.
Not all of them are necessarily good, but interesting in their own way if you approach with the right mindset.


All movies showcased as segments or referenced with footage within this 80s horror movie documentary listed in order of first appearance.

Missing on Trakt:
- Debbie Does Dallas (1978), IMDB: tt0077415


Surrealism in cinema refers to the use of dreamlike and irrational elements in films to create a unique visual style that challenges conventional notions of reality. It originated from the artistic movement of surrealism in the 1920s and 30s, which sought to tap into the subconscious mind through the use of irrational imagery and symbolism. In film, surrealism often employs techniques such as discontinuous editing, unexpected imagery, and the use of special effects to create a dream-like atmosphere and to challenge the viewer's perception of reality. The aim of surrealist films is to provoke an emotional and intellectual response from the audience, and to blur the boundaries between the conscious and the unconscious mind.


Horror featuring mad scientists. Updated monthly.


Sci-fi horror. Updated regularly.

Last update: 3/17/24


A list of every film mentioned in the documentary In Search of Tomorrow.

List by hotsake
