Shouts about...

Always Be My Maybe 2019

This was a really funny and sweet film. What's not to like about Ali Wong, Randall Park, and Keanu Reeves? This film put a different spin on the romantic comedy genre, and I appreciated the flavor they brought to the fold.

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this was actually pretty funny and fun to watch, loved the actors chemistry .. however i didn't like Keanu's part :v felt a bit cringe imo

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The beginning was good, I would've liked more time exploring childhood and teen years. The rest was very average, the comedy was not very good and neither was the chemistry between the main protagonists. I was hoping it would be better.

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It is definitely a movie

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He has a constipated face the whole movie hahaha
Not much happens, and it doesn't make much sense. He doesn't understand each other well because they had stopped talking, nor does the conflict make much sense, nor the reasons why he changes.
In itself it is a bad movie, but anyway, it serves to leave it in the background while you do something else.

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Surprisingly i didn't like it. I found it a bit dull, flat and didn't get the whole chemistry between them and it wasn't that funny. Reeves may have save some face for the movie but otherwise not one of the memorable ones.

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Super average rom com centered around 10 minutes of Keanu Reeves being a beast

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Sasha should not settle for Marcus, who behaves like a dick 98% of the time and is not a great rapper. What is this argument about there being no Asian customers in expensive restaurants? And the argument that Asian cuisine should be “pure”? And all the jibes at culinary and sartorial culture? So much resentment, so many stereotypes.

Sasha forgoing her own creations and settling for redoing the dishes her friends mother taught her is just sad and one more example of the movie doing her wrong.

Keanu is great, as always.

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I watched this movie only for the Keanu Reeves scene that everyone was talking about (and I didn't want to take it out of context, so of course I watched the whole movie instead of just checking the scene on YouTube, or something). I was not disappointed! The whole segment with Keanu Reeves was pure gold and the best part of the movie.

Luckily, I found the rest of the movie to be quite sweet and light-hearted, meaningful and emotional, at times, even. It was an entertaining watch. Chemistry between the two main actors was so thick it was almost palpable. The last third was a cliché, but hey, it's a romcom. And the cliché I definitely didn't mind was the movie ending to Mariah Carey's Always Be My Baby — in fact, I was counting on it!

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The romance, humor, emotions, even the progressiveness felt so forced and that cameo from a douchy Keanu Reeves made everything worse? And why didn't they cast actual young adults for the later flashback scenes? I knew then, that this wouldn't be all too great and unfortunately I was right.

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If I'm being honest, this movie was kind of weird at times. In a way that made our feel more real because people are pretty weird in real life. But it was a typical rom-com, it managed to be good but not amazing. But it was still a fun watch overall as long as you stick through the odd parts.

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This was not cast well. The two main characters who started out, I guess, as nerds, were just odd in the end. Acting was not good. Keanu is an idiot anyway but this just makes it worse. Bad, bad movie.

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"Keanu Reeves" made this movie.

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I might say that this was delight surprise from Netflix production. Keanu Reeves addition to cast have been f-great.

Great romantic comedy to spend your evening by.

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This movie was awkward. I'm not sure if it was because of the script, or because I couldn't help seeing Sasha and Marcus as Doris and Louis from American Housewife and Fresh off the Boat (they were pretty much playing the same characters: the no-nonsense boss ass bitch, and the sweet guy who is kind of a pushover)

Also, that scene in the Burger King with them playing their 18-year old selves was awful. It made me so uncomfortable. It looked like two 30-something year olds trying to pretend to be teenagers as if they were doing a parody of themselves or something. You already casted two couples of kids to play the child and tween versions of Marcus and Sasha, why not cast two more actors to play them as teenagers? It would have been soooo much better.

The last scene with dad before the credits was super abrupt. And I'm not sure what message this movie is sending. It didn't feel like they compromised, but like he gave in into what she wanted in the end. I don't know. Maybe I'm reading too much into it. This is supposed to be a romcom after all.

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This movie was already freaking hilarious at "Parmesan" but I had to pause because I couldn't see from scream/cry-laughing so hard at the double date. Too bad it already spoils the mystery boyfriend on this site below but.. it was very funny anyway. Also those haute cuisine dishes were spot on.

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In other news, this movie is so freaking cute (and really well written)!

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Really sweet rom com that had moments that felt very realistic. Good banter, good music, great acting and writing.

Keanu as himself was brilliant what a good sport.

Feels came from left field at that menu reveal. Def had a tear in my eye. Well played.

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This movie is so surprising with lots of romance and funny comedy along the way the relationship of the characters really gel together well Well Done to the amazing cast and crew bringing this amazing movie to life.

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it was Asian actors, a few Asian stereotypes, but the movie was very, very, very white; and for that..., I'm out.

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It was cute. I like that Ali Wong didn't play the same character she usually plays.

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On the surface. this is a pretty conventional romcom. However, with the inspired casting of Park and Wong, a funny script, and a knockout extended cameo from Keanu Reeves, this rises above the usual fare and becomes something that can be watched by fans and non-fans of the genre.

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This is a really funny movie. I loved it! Keanu Reeves was worth the entire movie. Sweet comedy

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A delightful romcom. I hope Netflix keeps making these type of movies because they are perfect to watch at home but probably wouldn't be a big box office hit. They make you feel happy and are easy to watch. Ali Wong and Randall Park are great together. Keanu Reeves cameo is fantastic.

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The film starts off being boring. But don’t stop there cos the rest will get you to laugh real hard and get very emotional....maybe cry some tear just like I did

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Some of the reviews on said that this movie reminded them of When Harry Met Sally with maybe a twist or two. I can kind of see that but this movie (understandably) comes nowhere near that movie. The film floundered a bit in the middle and then picked up with the introduction of Keanu Reeves. I've disliked just about anything Keanu has been in but this particular role suited him just fine as he could do an (intentionally) awful imitation of himself that ended up being perfect for the film.

The end of the film was well done (even if you could see it coming three miles away) and that raised my rating up a tick.

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I gave this movie a 10 because it surprised me. I didn't expect it to be good but it was. Always be my baby still sounds good.

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Great movie mainly because of the stellar acting by the cast. Wong and Park (also the writers) have actually been friends for years now, and their chemistry is ridiculous.
It has its cheesy and way-too-easily-solved moments but c'mon, it is a romcom after all!

Also: the fact that Keanu Reeves is credit as Keanu fucking Reeves is awesome.

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