Shout by ABH

I watched a fantastic video that focused more on the murderer Chris Watts’ abysmal turn in the interrogation. It focuses a lot less on Shanann (which is a good thing because the documentary throwing mean comments towards her did nothing for the story). Check out JCS Criminal Psychology Chris Watts for a better analysis if you are interested in the case.

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The truest true crime you'll ever see.

For a found footage slut like me, this film is the Holy Grail. A found footage true crime documentary that has only REAL footage!? Are you kidding me!?

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If you don't know anything about the Watts case, this is a great way to become familiarized with it. And that's why I like this documentary because it's a good introduction to the case and it shows what an absolute piece of shit Chris Watts is, which I believe is something everyone on earth should know.

However, I wish it was more in-depth. I do like the fact that they used all this real footage and allowed them, both Shannan and Chris, to present themselves in their own words. But I wish it went beyond that. There's SO MUCH MORE to this case. I've watched so many videos, interviews, and I also read the case file, which is almost 2000 pages, and I wish they would've explored all that more deeply.

This is one of the most heartbreaking, shocking, and disheartening cases you'll ever come across, and this is coming from someone who constantly consumes true crime content. That much is clear from the documentary, so it's a good one. An important watch!

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Shout by Josa
BlockedParent2022-01-09T06:40:03Z— updated 2024-04-07T05:25:03Z

Netflix has truly excelled with their latest true crime documentary film, presenting a gripping narrative that delves into the intricate details of the case with remarkable professionalism and impartiality. The storytelling is conducted in a manner that feels both neutral and meticulously accurate, drawing from a wealth of sources including extensive news coverage. The documentary succeeds in offering viewers a comprehensive understanding of the events while maintaining a high standard of journalistic integrity. It's a testament to Netflix's commitment to delivering compelling and thought-provoking content in the realm of true crime storytelling.

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Having seen other documentaries on this case, I found this one to be the most in-depth and insightful. The use of footage from the neighbor's camera and police body cams provided a unique and raw perspective that added to the overall impact of the film. The story itself is truly shocking and heartbreaking, and this documentary does an excellent job of presenting the facts and exploring the complexities of the case.

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This is one of the first stories you can understand with all body cam footage, from the first officer to the interrogations and court case. The text messages and photos from Facebook really contextualized the family. This case is one of those that is so shocking, and leaves you baffled. The insanity of the father is unnoticed, since he lives a relatively normal life. The scene with him explaining the death of his daughters is absolutely terrible and sad to hear.

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That is one fucked up dude.

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What a fkin arsehole how could you do that to your own kids

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Talk about over sharing on social media. It’s a sign someone is lonely. May she rest in peace

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A heartbreaking story that i didn't know before i watch this.It's so disturbing and makes you angry in every possible way..I have no words..

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Very interesting documentary. I had already heard about this story but I was very pleased to be able to see step by step what happened.
I find it really rediculous how he lied from the start without even succeeding and laughed when asked about things.

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I don't really know what to do with this one. I want to rate the thing high as I recognize a decent documentary when I see one, but it is a HARD, hard watch this. What impacts me the most is that they used real footage of the family from social media etc. You sit there and watch this beautiful family and...waiting for the inevitable. This is not for everyone...that's for sure.

I ended up rating it how I did because of how well made the documentary was, not how much I enjoyed it because I, sure as hell, had a hard time watching it...

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Unimaginable. However, apart from that, the fact how much information can be extracted from social media is also a bit scary...

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As with a lot of true crime stuff, it's hard for me to rate them very highly unless they're bringing something new to the table. I've already watched a ridiculous amount of Chris Watts case coverage and this did nothing to add to it. It felt like the case in fast forward. I noticed technically it very nice, as in, a lot of the famous interrogation or body cam footage was extremely cleaned up and HD this time around. But there was no new info at all. It was also rather strange that they presented the mistress as an innocent bystander when there is much, much more to her story than that. Anyways, I think it's a good primer, if nothing else.

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