Doesn't really work for me, although the closing ballet sequence is a beautiful achievement. But as a full movie it's got a lot of rough edges: Mulligan is a smarmy, unlikeable character; Caron has very little personality and no chemistry with Kelly; and Nina Foch turns in the one interesting character but gets treated as an afterthought. Levant is a fun sidekick and a couple of the numbers are ok, but it's never been one of my favorite musicals.

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This is classic Gene Kelly. While I will admit that this isn't my favorite Gene Kelly movie (hard to compete with Singin in the Rain) this is still one of his classics and an enjoyable movie to watch.

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Shout by Alexander von Limberg
BlockedParent2024-02-08T20:30:08Z— updated 2024-02-11T16:51:46Z

A lot of music. A lot of ballet and step dance. Vibrant colors. What did you expect? It's a classic Kelly. A lot of French (and German). Wonderful 50s Paris. An untouched oasis in destroyed Europe. Unfortunately most scenes were shot in a studio and all things French are also a big fat stereotype. However, I like such old movies. Innocuous entertainment from a bygone era. Charming, sometimes silly, and memorable but not exactly driven by an intellectual or complex plot. The love triangle (or whatever how you'd call it) is a mere excuse for the singing and dancing. It's certainly not better than Singing in the Rain. The ending sequence was perhaps epic back then but seems rather silly today. I also think that the Leslie Caron never really had the sex appeal (at least in this movie) that's necessary to explain Mulligan's fascination with her. I mean don't get me wrong, she's a beautiful young girl but I fail to understand why she's supposed to be some sort of Aphrodite.

Funniest scene: he thinks the Milf thinks he's a male prostitute :wink:

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The ending gave me La La Land vibes but for the most part I didn't care about the story, music or dancing.

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This film perhaps didn't age so well. Gene Kelly does amicably with what he's given, but msot of the film was pretty flat and seemed like filler for musical numbers unrelated to the main plot. The long number at the end must have been impressive at the time but is just boring now.

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Shout by Deleted

I've watched it! The film has a good value of music and dance! I'm so impressed that USA(maybe also Europe) had made such a wonderful musical movie even in 1951! It's about 60 years ago. I thought the American and European culture have an big influence on a current "flash mob" held all over the world. Also, the plot is romantic and Paris attract me a lot. The city has always attracted many people. I like the quote;
Lise : Maybe Paris has a way of making people forget.
Jerry : Paris? No. Not this city. It's too real and too beautiful to ever let you forget anything.

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