Personal Lists featuring...

Anima Mundi 1993


Movies about labor movements, civil rights struggles, anti-war efforts, or community organizing. These movies often blend strong narrative storytelling with a deep exploration of social and political themes, providing viewers with not just a compelling story, but also a thought-provoking examination of the human condition and the power of collective action.


Includes both documentaries and fictional movies.


Great to enlight and educate yourself and broaden your horizons. We need good truthful documentaries more than ever. I will add some feature movies and tv series which are based on history or true events and I think are important.


For sleepy time, Boaty McBoatface


Cosmos to microbes, big bang to climate change, all creatures big and small, from then 'til now.


an American video-distribution company which specializes in licensing "important classic and contemporary films" and selling them to film aficionados.
